Thursday, September 24, 2020
Jenny Kaufmann, Ph.D. and Peter Kaufmann, Ph.D.
Heather Ferguson, LCSW – Discussant
We are announcing a special Zoom IPSS Explorations on September 24 to welcome back members of the IPSS community after our pandemic summer and welcome our five new candidates to the IPSS Four Year Program. Peter and Jenny Kaufmann will present and discuss their paper, A Battle Cry for Our Moment, Revisiting the Two Analyses of Mr. Z.. The paper speaks to where we are in our perilous political situation and looks back to Kohut’s, The Two Analyses of Mr. Z. and our current clinical work to find inspiration towards enacting creative rebellion that can enable us to emerge! Jenny and Peter will present their to be published paper and discuss it with you. We are looking forward to this event and stay tuned for more announcements in early September!
Virtual, via Zoom.
Zoom details to follow
Jenny Kahn Kaufmann, Ph.D is a supervising and training analyst at the William Alanson White Institute and Director of the Curriculum in the analytic program there. Peter Kaufmann, Ph.D is instructor and supervisor at IPSS and NIP and co-director of IPSS. They have been collaborating in writing several papers on the theme of emerging from the shadows of the narcissism asserted by traumatizing authorities. In doing so, they are basing their model on Kohut’s work in The Two Analyses of Mr. Z. and expressing their kinship(twinship!!) with each other, their patients and Kohut as subjects who are emerging the from self-negating control by narcissistic authorities. They hope you find some solace and inspiration in this paper to the extent that we all are having to fight back and emerge from the oppression that we are suffering under this administration! Tune in, join our dialogue!
Heather Ferguson, LCSW, is faculty and supervisor at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, the Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, and the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis, in NYC. She teaches courses on contemporary self-psychology, trauma, intersubjectivity theory and the treatment of disordered eating. She is Co-Book Review Editor for Psychoanalysis, Self and Context, and her most recent paper, Dreaming the Field: The Analyst’s Dream as a Co-Creative Act, appeared in Psychoanalytic Inquiry.
1.5 Continuing Education Credits for Social Workers & LMHC’s*
*Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity SW CPE is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #0175.