Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program

1-Year Advanced Program

Web-based classes and clinical case studies with a close-knit cohort.

Program Overview

The Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program at IPSS was launched in 2012 to meet the needs of experienced clinicians around the globe. Many students of this program have already had psychoanalytic training; all have had years of experience and are ready to take their practice to a new level by studying with IPSS faculty.

This one-year sequence of 24 classes combines theory—with a focus on contemporary self psychology, infant research and intersubjective systems theory—with clinical case material.

Cohorts are capped at 9 students to facilitate an engaging experience for each participant. Case presentations are encouraged in all classes. Students may present their supervisory and teaching situations as well as clinical material.

Class Schedule & Location

Mondays from 10:00 – 11:30am EST.

Classes are conducted live online via Zoom and will not be recorded to ensure confidentiality.


The next cohort runs from September 2024 – June 2025.
Classes run on Mondays from 10:00 – 11:30am EST.

Classes are conducted live online via Zoom and will not be recorded to ensure confidentiality.

The class dates listed below are subject to change.

September 15, 22, 29, 2025:

Heather Ferguson, LCSW: Self Psychology through an Intersubjective
Lens/ Clinical Case Seminar

Oct 27, Nov 3, 10, 2025:

Arthur A. Gray, PhD:  Psychoanalytic Process – Narcissism, Subjectivity, and Therapeutic Action / Clinical Case Seminar

(November 2: Please note Daylight Savings Time ends in the U.S.)

Dec 1, 8, 15, 2025:

Peter Lessem, PhD: The Intersubjective Visions of Atwood, Brandchaft, and Stolorow/ A Clinical Case Seminar

Jan 5, 12, 26, 2026:

Jackie Gotthold, PhD:  Infant Research and Adult Treatment/Clinical Case Seminar

Feb, 9, 23, Mar 2, 2026:

Judith Rustin, LCSW:  Beyond the Words: The Implicit Dimension   of Psychoanalytic Treatment / Clinical Case Seminar

Mar 16, 23, 30, 2026:

Amy Joelson, LCSW:  Complexity in Development: Theory & Practice

(March 8: Please note Daylight Savings Time starts in the U.S.)

April 13, 20, 27, 2026:

Ruth Burtman, PhD: On Dreams and Therapeutic Action/ Clinical Case Seminar

May 11, 18, Jun 1, 2026:

Peter Kaufmann, PhD:  Comparative Intersubjectivity:  Bridging Self and Relational Theories/ Clinical Case Seminar

Tuition & Fees

The tuition for the year is $1,800.

Tuition can be paid in 2 installments—with 50% due August 1, 2025, and the remaining
50% due December 30, 2025.

Financial assistance is available for students living in economically distressed regions.

How to Apply

Prospective students can apply to the Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program
through the online application form below.

Application due date for the upcoming cohort is June 15th, 2025.


For questions, please contact:

Amy Joelson, LCSW
Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program Director

Dayna Sharp, LCSW
Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program Coordinator


Or contact the IPSS registrar:

The Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program at IPSS was launched in 2012 to meet the needs of experienced clinicians around the globe. Many students of this program have already had psychoanalytic training; all have had years of experience and are ready to take their practice to a new level by studying with IPSS faculty.

This one-year sequence of 24 classes combines theory—with a focus on contemporary self psychology, infant research and intersubjective systems theory—with clinical case material.

Cohorts are capped at 9 students to facilitate an engaging experience for each participant. Case presentations are encouraged in all classes. Students may present their supervisory and teaching situations as well as clinical material.

Class Schedule & Location

Mondays from 10:00 – 11:30am EST.

Classes are conducted live online via Zoom and will not be recorded to ensure confidentiality.

The next cohort runs from September 2024 – June 2025.
Classes run on Mondays
from 10:00 – 11:30am EST.

Classes are conducted live online via Zoom and will not be recorded to ensure confidentiality.


The class dates listed below are subject to change.

September 15, 22, 29, 2025:

Heather Ferguson, LCSW: Self Psychology through an Intersubjective Lens/Clinical Case Seminar

Oct 27, Nov 3, 10, 2025:

Arthur A. Gray, PhD:  Psychoanalytic Process – Narcissism, Subjectivity, and Therapeutic Action / Clinical Case Seminar

(November 2: Please note Daylight Savings Time ends in the U.S.)

Dec 1, 8, 15, 2025:

Peter Lessem, PhD: The Intersubjective Visions of Atwood, Brandchaft, and Stolorow/ A Clinical Case Seminar

Jan 5, 12, 26, 2026:

Jackie Gotthold, PhD:  Infant Research and Adult Treatment/Clinical Case Seminar

Feb, 9, 23, Mar 2, 2026:

Judith Rustin, LCSW:  Beyond the Words: The Implicit Dimension   of Psychoanalytic Treatment / Clinical Case Seminar

Mar 16, 23, 30, 2026:

Amy Joelson, LCSW:  Complexity in Development: Theory & Practice

(March 8: Please note Daylight Savings Time starts in the U.S.)

April 13, 20, 27, 2026:

Ruth Burtman, PhD: On Dreams and Therapeutic Action/ Clinical Case Seminar

May 11, 18, Jun 1, 2026:

Peter Kaufmann, PhD:  Comparative Intersubjectivity:  Bridging Self and Relational Theories/ Clinical Case Seminar

The tuition for the year is $1,800.

Tuition can be paid in 2 installments—with 50% due August 1, 2024, and the remaining 50% due December 30, 2024.

Financial assistance is available for students living in economically distressed regions.

Prospective students can apply to the Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program through the online application form below.

Application due date for the upcoming cohort is June 15th, 2025.

For questions, please contact:

Amy Joelson, LCSW
Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program Director

Dayna Sharp, LCSW
Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies Program Coordinator


Or contact the IPSS registrar:

Check back soon for more information about the Member Portal!