Current Faculty

Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D.

Biography:  A Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatric Institute. She directs a basic research lab on mother-infant communication.

Ruth Burtman, Ph.D.

Biography: Coming Soon!

Jenna Davino, LCSW

Biography: Coming Soon!

Heather Ferguson, LCSW

Biography: Heather Ferguson is a faculty member and supervisor at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, the National…

Jackie Gotthold, Psy.D.

Biography: Jackie is currently serving on the Executive Committee at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity in New York City, in addition…

Arthur A. Gray, Ph.D.

Biography:  Dr. Gray is an honorary member of IPSS, faculty, supervisor, and serves on its Coordinating Committee. He is also faculty and supervisor at the Postgraduate…

Vanessa Grimm, LCSW

Biography: Coming Soon!

Sam Guzzardi, LCSW

Biography: Coming Soon!

Amy Joelson, LCSW

Biography:  Faculty, Supervisor, and the Director of Distance Learning at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity (IPSS) in New York City; Associate…

D. Bradley Jones, Psy.D, LCSW

Biography: Faculty and Coordinating Committee member at The Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity (IPSS) in NYC, and also instructs at…

Peter Kaufmann, Ph.D

Biography: Faculty and supervisor at IPSS and co-coordinator of the IPSS four-year program. Dr. Kaufmann has…

Peter Lessem, Ph.D.

Biography:  A psychoanalytic psychotherapist who has been treating individuals and couples for over thirty years. He has also been a clinical supervisor…

Judith Rustin, LCSW

Biography: Coming Soon!

Deborah Sherman, BC-DMT, LMHC

Biography: Deborah Sherman is a certified Psychoanalyst and Dance/Movement Therapist.  She has a private practice…

Marc Sholes, LCSW

Biography: A board member, faculty and supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) as well as the Co-Director of Curriculum for their Adult Training Program in Psychoanalysis. He is also on the Council of the International…

Shaké Topalian

Biography: Shaké is an ANA Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice. She supervises and teaches at…

David Witten, LCSW

Biography: David Witten is a faculty member and Co-Director of the Foundations of Psychoanalysis Program at…

Additional Faculty

Lisa Bialkin, LCSW

J.P Cheuvront, Psy.D.

Charlotte Curtis, LCSW

Craig Solomon, LCSW

Ruth Gruenthal, LCSW,

Shelley Doctors, Ph.D.

Steven Ellman, Ph.D.

Jill Gentile, Ph.D.

Steven Stern, Psy.D.

Annie Lee Jones, Ph.D.

Sandra Kiersky, Ph.D.

Steven Knoblauch, Ph.D.

Dorienne Sorter, Ph.D.

Sarah Mendelsohn, LCSW

Joanne Messina, LCSW

Joseph Mikulka, LCSW-R

Donna Orange, Psy.D.*

* In Memoriam

Field of Psychoanalysis Guest Faculty

Howard Bacal. Ph.D.

Jody Davies, Ph.D.

Adrienne Harris, Ph.D.

Evelyn Schwaber, Ph.D.

Neil Skolnick, Ph.D.

Malcolm Slavin, Ph.D.

Donnel Stern, Ph.D.

Lew Aron, Ph.D.*

Joseph Lictenberg, M.D.*

Paul Ornstein, Ph.D.*

Daniel Stern, M.D.*

* In Memoriam

Field of Psychoanalysis Guest Faculty

Howard Bacal. Ph.D.

Jody Davies, Ph.D.

Adrienne Harris, Ph.D.

Evelyn Schwaber, Ph.D.

Neil Skolnick, Ph.D.

Malcolm Slavin, Ph.D.

Donnel Stern, Ph.D.

Anna Ornstein, Ph.D.

Lew Aron, Ph.D.*

Joseph Lictenberg, M.D.*

Paul Ornstein, Ph.D.*

Daniel Stern, M.D.*

* In Memoriam

Founding Faculty

George Atwood

George Atwood, Ph.D.

Biography:  Dr. Atwood has focused in recent years on the study of psychotic states, the analysis of the psychological sources of philosophical systems, and on exploring the complex relationships between madness and creative genius.

Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D.

Biography:  A Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatric Institute. She directs a basic research lab on mother-infant communication.

Bernard Brandchaft, M.D.*

Biography:  Dr. Brandchaft was a founding member of the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, NYC, and a training and supervising analyst at the Los Angles Psychoanalytic Institute. He was faculty emeritus of Clinical Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine.

James Fosshage

James Fosshage, Ph.D.

Biography:  Founding President, International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology; Founding Faculty, Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity; Co-founder, Board Director and Faculty, National Institute for the Psychotherapies…

Frank M. Lachmann, Ph.D.

Biography:  Clinical Assistant Professor in the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, and of NPAP. He is author or co-author of more than 150 publications on topics ranging from self psychology, narcissism, music and creativity to aggression and serial killers.

Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D.

Biography:  A founding member of both the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York City and…

Beatrice Beebe, Ph.D.

Beatrice Beebe Ph.D. is Clinical Professor of Medical Psychology (in Psychiatry), College of Physicians & Surgeons, Columbia University; Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, New York State Psychiatric Institute. She directs a basic research lab on mother-infant communication. She is faculty at the Columbia Psychoanalytic Center, the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, and the N.Y.U. Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis.

She is co-author with Jaffe, Feldstein et al. of  Rhythms of Dialogue in Infancy (2001); author with Lachmann of Infant Research and Adult Treatment: Co-Constructing Interactions (2002); author with Knoblauch, Rustin and Sorter of Forms of Intersubjectivity in Infant Research and Adult Treatment (2005); author with Jaffe, Markese, et al. of The origins of 12-month attachment: A microanalysis of 4-month mother-infant interaction ( 2010); and author with Lachmann of The Origins of Attachment: Infant Research and Adult Treatment (Routledge).

Currently she directs a primary prevention Project for mothers who were pregnant and widowed on 9-11. The project therapists have written a book, edited by Beebe, B., Cohen, P., Sossin, K. M. & Markese, S. (Eds.) (2012). Mothers, infants and young children of September 11, 2001: A primary prevention project (Routledge).

Heather Ferguson, LCSW

Heather Ferguson, LCSW is a faculty member and supervisor at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, the National Institute for the Psychotherapies, and the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis.

As a certified hypnotherapist and practitioner of EMDR, she integrates embodied techniques into her psychoanalytic practice. She writes and lectures about eating disorder treatment, the role of intergenerational transmission of trauma, and the use of embodied techniques to deepen psychotherapeutic engagement.

Jackie Gotthold, Psy.D.

Jackie Gotthold, Psy.D. is currently serving on the Executive Committee at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity in New York City, in addition to functioning as a supervisor, faculty member and training analyst.

Jackie has been a faculty member and supervisor for the Minnesota Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis, as well as having taught for various institutes in the US and abroad.
 A longtime member of the International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP), Jackie established the Child and Adolescent Initiative at IAPSP and has served on the International Council of IAPSP. Also a member of the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP), Jackie continues to serve on the IARPP Child and Adolescent interest group committee.

Arthur A. Gray, Ph.D.

Arthur A. Gray, Ph.D. is an honorary member of IPSS, faculty, supervisor, and serves on its Coordinating Committee. He is also faculty and supervisor at the Postgraduate Psychoanalytic Society’s Group Therapy Department, and at the Training Institute for Mental Health, and council member of the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology.

He consults with self psychology groups in South Africa and in Japan, and conducts supervision online using his group supervisory model. His published articles apply self psychology and subjectivity theory to individual, couples, group, and supervision. He has a special interest in how improvisation informs the therapeutic process.

Amy Joelson, LCSW

Amy Joelson, LCSW, is Faculty, Supervisor, and the Director of Distance Learning at the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity (IPSS) in New York City; Associate Faculty at the Japanese Forum of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology in Hiroshima, Japan; President of the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology (IAPSP); and Member of IARPP’s Child, Adolescent and Parent Psychotherapy Committee. A frequent presenter at international conferences and author of several publications on child and adolescent development, Amy maintains a private practice in downtown New York City in adult, child and adolescent psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. 

D. Bradley Jones, Psy.D, LCSW

D. Bradley Jones, Psy.D, LCSW is a faculty member and Coordinating Committee member at The Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity (IPSS) in NYC, and also instructs at The Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis in Los Angeles, CA.

Dr. Jones’ special interests include working with substance use and self-harming behaviors, long term survivors of HIV/AIDS, and those who are maneuvering the challenging world of the entertainment industry.

Peter Kaufmann, Ph.D


Peter Kaufmann, Ph.D. is a member of the IPSS faculty, a supervisor, and co-coordinator of the IPSS four-year program. Dr. Kaufmann has a particular interest in comparative psychoanalysis and in efforts to integrate the clinical approaches and sensibilities represented by different theoretical perspectives.  Dr. Kaufmann has also published several papers including “The Guilt of Tragic Man”, “Working with Men Who Please Too Much”, and “On Transforming the Reparative Quest” that reflect his additional interest in the topics of mourning and pathological accommodation.

Peter Lessem, Ph.D.

Peter Lessem, Ph.D. is a psychoanalytic psychotherapist who has been treating individuals and couples for over thirty years. He has also been a clinical supervisor and faculty member at the IPSS as well as other analytic institutes.

Peter has taught courses on therapeutic action, self psychology, intersubjectivity and attachment. In addition to his textbook Self Psychology: An Introduction, he has also written and lectured on masochism, the repetition compulsion, and the relationship between attachment and self object experience.

Deborah Sherman, BC-DMT, LMHC

Deborah Sherman, BC-DMT, LMHC is a certified Psychoanalyst and Dance/Movement Therapist.  She has a private practice in NYC in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. 

She is on faculty at IPSS, ICP, NIP and William Alanson White Institute and her current interests in teaching are Bionian thinking and Gender & Sexuality Studies.  Deborah also directs IPSS’ Curriculum Committee.

Marc Sholes, LCSW

Marc Sholes, LCSW is a board member, faculty and supervisor at the National Institute for the Psychotherapies (NIP) as well as the Co-Director of Curriculum for their Adult Training Program in Psychoanalysis. He is also on the Council of the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and maintains a private practice in New York City. 

Marc’s current interest is the relationship between Attachment Theory, Infant Research and Self Psychology.


Shaké Topalian

Shaké Topalian is an ANA Board Certified Psychiatric Mental Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and psychoanalytic psychotherapist in private practice. She supervises and teaches at IPSS and PPSC, and is the Chair of the IAPSP Early Career Professional Scholarship Committee.

She has a particular interest in transmission genocide trauma developed in her published paper, Ghosts to Ancestors: Bearing Witness to “My” Experience of Genocide.

David Witten, LCSW

David Witten, LCSW is a faculty member and Co-Director of the Foundations of Psychoanalysis Program at IPSS. He maintains a private practice in both New York City and Westport, CT. He was a recipient of the IAPSP Early Career Professional Scholarship Program and has written and presented on Brandchaft’s Pathological Accommodation.

George Atwood

George Atwood, Ph.D.

George Atwood, Ph.D. is a Founding Faculty member of The Institute for the Psychoanalytic Strudy of Subjectivity. His major interests include personality theory, psychotherapy, and the psychology of knowledge. He has focused in recent years on the study of psychotic states, on the analysis of the psychological sources of philosophical systems, and on exploring the complex relationships between madness and creative genius.

Two books that are representative of these interests are: Faces in a Cloud: Intersubjectivity in Personality Theory (1993, coauthored by Robert Stolorow) and Worlds of Experience: Interweaving Clinical and Philosophical Dimensions in Psychoanalysis (2002, coauthored by Robert Stolorow and Donna Orange.) His book The Abyss of Madness was published in 2012 (Routledge).

Bernard Brandchaft, M.D.*

Bernard Brandchaft, M.D. (1916-2013) was a Founding Faculty member of the Institute for the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, NYC, and a training and supervising analyst at the Los Angles Psychoanalytic Institute. He was faculty emeritus of Clinical Psychiatry, UCLA School of Medicine. Dr. Brandchaft authored numerous articles and books, co-authoring (with George Atwood and Robert Stolorow) Psychoanalytic Treatment: An Intersubjective Approach (Analytic Press, 1987) and The Intersubjective Perspective (Jason Aronson, 1994) His book Towards an Emancipatory Psychoanalysis: Brandchaft’s Intersubjective Vision (co-authored by Shelley Doctors, and Dorienne Sorter) was published in 2010 (Routledge). 

The loss of Dr. Brandchaft in 2013 was deeply felt by all who knew him. The faculty of IPSS is dedicated to passing on his theoretical ideas to future generations of psychoanalysts.

James Fosshage

James Fosshage, Ph.D.

James Fosshage, Ph.D Founding President, International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology; Founding Faculty, Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity; Co-founder, Board Director and Faculty, National Institute for the Psychotherapies; Clinical Professor of Psychology, New York University Post Doctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis (Co-founder, Relational Track); Author of over 100 psychoanalytic publications and 8 books.


Frank M. Lachmann, Ph.D.

Areas of Interest:  TBD

Frank M. Lachmann, Ph.D. is a member of the Founding Faculty of the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York and Clinical Assistant Professor, in the NYU Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis., and of NPAP.  He is author or co-author of more than 150 publications on topics ranging from self psychology, narcissism, music and creativity to aggression and serial killers.

He is co-author with Joseph Lichtenberg and James Fosshage of four books, including, Psychoanalysis and MotivationA New Look (Francis and Taylor, 2010). He is co-author of two books with Beatrice Beebe, Infant Research and Adult Treatment: Co-Constructing Interactions (Analytic Press, 2002) and their recently published joint work The Origins of Attachment, (Routledge 2013). He is sole author of Transforming Aggression: Psychotherapy with the Difficult-to-Treat Patient (Aronson, 2000) and Transforming Narcissism: Reflections on Empathy, Humor, and Expectations  (Analytic Press, 2008).

He is a member of the Council of the International Association of Psychoanalytic Self Psychology and an honorary member of the Vienna Circle for Self Psychology (Austria), The William A. White Society, and the American Psychoanalytic Association.

Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D.

Robert D. Stolorow, Ph.D. is a founding member of both the Institute for the Psychoanalytic Study of Subjectivity, New York City and the Institute of Contemporary Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles.

He received the Distinguished Scientific Award from the Division of Psychoanalysis of the American Psychological Association in 1995, the Haskell Norman Prize for Excellence in Psychoanalysis from the San Francisco Center for Psychoanalysis in 2011, and the Hans W. Loewald Memorial Award from the International Forum for Psychoanalytic Education in 2012.

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